Friday, April 4, 2008

Reported this week: 1 in 50 infants in the U.S. suffer abuse

The Centers for Disease Control reported this week that 1 in 50 infants suffer non-fatal abuse and neglect, 30% of them before they are a week old. That means 2% of all babies have the cards stacked against them at the starting gate. The researchers counted more than 91,000 infant victims of abuse and neglect from October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006. And these were verified cases. Clearly many more may not have been reported. Federal officials define neglect as a failure to meet a child’s basic needs including housing, clothing, feeding and access to medical care. Studies show that poverty (lack of access to basic needs) and early neglect or abuse are a high predictor for later problems in life, both in physical and mental health. New understandings in neuroscience explain how brain development is adversely affected by lack of nurturing by a caring, protective adult. These children grow up to have trouble modulating their em0tions, concentrating and paying attention, and forming lasting bonds with others. We must raise awareness to end social disparities and the abuse of children if we are to call ourselves "human".