Our bodies, long vilified by traditional religions and yes, even science, is taking a renewed place of importance in the scheme of our evolution. Candace Pert is one of the pioneers in this field of thought, as a scientist who long has preached that "molecules of emotion" reside in our bodies, not our minds.
More recently, she has written a book that brings God into this sensory picture ("How to Feel G(o)oD"), and published CDs titled "Your Body IS Your Subconscious Mind."
Here is what she has to say about consciousness, choice and free will, and the infused power we own to create our reality:
"If mind, and its emanation 'consciousness', suffuse the body, and in fact extend beyond it, we may consider the role of our personal choices in the creation of our reality for it is the physicists we have informed us of the primacy of the observer. I don’t see that this leads to a “reduced”, scientifically verified, “objective” reality. Thought, and the emotions, are co-created, in a process that uniquely defines our bodyminds, and in fact our reality. And as all our consciousnesses intermingle, we, at least the sentient among us, are continually co-creating our reality, our evolutions, and our destinies. This is the fundamental free choice we are called upon to exercise. And as information seems to be transduced in 'non-local', ways, that is not bounded by space and time, 'creation' seems instantaneous."
Pretty heady stuff! I do believe that when my mind says one thing, and the body is telling me another, the body is the truest outpicturing of my subconscious state. Have you ever had someone tell you they are not angry, and yet you are seeing anger reflected in every feature and gesture in their body? Or how about fear? Are you trying to convince yourself fear is not real, and yet your body is clenched and ready to react to some unexpected threat? We must listen, and work with those trapped energies in order to more deeply align the conscious and subconscious.
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