Saturday, May 31, 2008

CriticalThinkRx -- A Prescription for Critical Thinking About Psychotropic Medications

Critical Think Rx

CriticalThinkRx, a FREE web-based resource on psychotropic medications, is now available to the world. The project, which is research-based and publicly funded, grew out of public concerns about the increasing use of psychiatric medications (that have serious adverse health effects) in children and adolescents, the escalating costs to taxpayers (through public health insurance) to pay for these prescriptions, and the undue influence of the pharmaceutical industry on drug information (as well as increasingly exposed deceptive and often illegal marketing practices). Key conclusion: There is little or no research evidence supporting safety and efficacy of these drugs in children, and ample evidence of the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions to treat childhood problems. Let's challenge the pharmaceutical industry--health insurance cartel and advocate for the use of psychosocial interventions. Let drugs be an intervention of last, not first, resort.

The curriculum was developed over the last 18 months after systematic research literature searches of databases in medicine, pharmacology, psychology and social work. More than 1,000 abstracts and articles were reviewed for relevance and accuracy, and 600 articles were further summarized and synthesized into the first draft of the web-based modules. These were further reviewed and edited by independent consultants in counseling, law, psychology and social work. The information was produced as an 8-module, web-based course with Flash videos, PDF courses materials, learning guides with questions for practice, supervision and administration, and additional supporting materials such as medication adverse effect monitoring checklist, guidelines for Court affidavits, and more. Take advantage of CriticalThinkRx for your free professional development and training purposes. CEUs will be offered soon for counselors, psychologists adn social workers, and possibly select health professionals. Check out the website at and let me know what you think. Enjoy the fruit of my labor!