Sunday, October 11, 2009

CANCER: Creating A New Consciousness Essential to Recovery

The other day I posted on my Facebook page some suggestions for staying cancer free:
1. Eat green, cruciferous and other colorful, nourishing vegetables.
2. Eat a variety of fruits -- 3+ a day.
3. Eat only healthy, plant-based fats and proteins.
4. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, on most days of the week.
5. Avoid processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, cigarette smoke and excess sugar.

Then I realized that I was forgetting the most critical ingredients:
1. Practice stress relief every day -- breathwork, meditation, yoga asanas.
2. Forgive everyone everything.
3. Be grateful for at least one thing for every complaint you have.
4. Give of yourself -- even if it is a smile, a flower, a kind thought or word.
5. Create something -- a poem, a meal, a photograph or drawing.

This is my recipe for creating a new consciousness essential to recovery from cancer.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What is Evolutionary Enlightenment?

This interactive teaching module gives you an easy to understand overview of Andrew Cohen's teachings on Evolutionary Enlightenment to support the conscious evolution of humanity. It's all about moving beyond the Ego into the Authentic Self that seeks to live, consciously, with clarity of intention, for the sake of the Whole. Cohen outlines six principles and five tenets leading to true freedom. He defines hell as the world of the ego (or false self) that remains mired in victimhoom, faces nothing and avoids everything, and seeks to live only for its own sake.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stop Complaining and Start Creating

Complaining is a bad habit, and like any bad habit, it can be changed with discipline and perseverance. Complaining is the activity of people who feel powerless. Notice I say "feel" NOT "are." Have you ever considered doing something to change the situation you are complaining about? Action removes the sense of powerlessness. And action usually involves changing something in ourselves. It requires insight into our perceptions, our fears that block us from changing. Complaining is an ANGRY energy. It is passive-aggressive. What if you were to tune in to that energy as pure sensation, without judgment, and use it to mobilize the action necessary to create the change? After all, all emotion is just that "e-motion" = energy in motion. Move the energy instead of being stuck in the quicksand of complaining. That will only create misery, instead of the opposite of what you are complaining about. How about when your complaining is about other people's behaviors? You cannot change other people. It is an impossibility. You can only change yourself. So what then? You still have options: 1) change your perception of the person; 2) accept the person exactly as they are; 3) do not have a relationship with the person ... and so on and so forth.